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tv   Your World With Neil Cavuto  FOX News  January 17, 2013 4:00pm-5:00pm EST

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always be nice to your dad. that's a good one. >> i'm greg, that's it for "studio b," bill hammer is in later for the fox report. neil cavuto with your world captioned by closed captioning services inc. >> maybe not. union time? not so fast. unions are no so great at revving up jobs. >> welcome, i'm neil cavuto. after massive union protests in places like michigan and wisconsin, unions have little to show for it north, only in those states but pretty much when it comes to factory jobs in any state. nonunion jobs are soaring, 700,000 more nonunion factory jobs between 2010 and 2012, versus 60,000 few are union
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factory jobs over the identical period. the biggest factory job spikes coming in right-to-work states like south carolina and indiana. one factor could be salaries. union workers cost more. unionized factory work end earn $55 a week on average than nonunion counterparts and that doesn't include benefits. a brionna schaffer says that's why this is costing union jobs. when you see the numbers and you see states making gains, you step back and say, someone has to realize the math here. what do you read out of it? >> i think we associate manufacturing with unions. over the last number of years manufacturing has been moving away from hiring union workers and it's not a surprise why. the fact is they do negotiate higher time, their workers but that comes with a cost to the whole economy, making it less
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dynamic, less easy for businesses to hire more workers and at a time when we have 8% unemployment, that's not something that a lot of businesses can afford. >> now, a lot of those same union leaders say, you get what you pay for, and there are offering cut raitt salaries to workers who might appreciate the jobs, but in the end, aren't going to be very happy in those jobs. what do you think? >> i think overall people are gibbing to see that unions are out to help union worker but very often at the expense of nonunion works and that's where we're getting in trouble. the american public at large is overwhelmingly moving sort of -- public support is moving against unions, gallup found that 42% would like to see unions be less influential. they feel at if there are negotiations going on for union workers but they come at a cost for all workers, creating less opportunity for all workers and
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for the economy at large. what is the message. you say lab you wins every time. unions say, cheaper labor has a cost, too. what will be the lesson as more right-to-work states see job pickups for unions? >> i think one of the lessons is that working is not black or white. it's not you just want a job and the highest wages you can get. i'm thinking of while very often looking for nontraditional work arrangements with more flexible and may be willing to take lower wages as part of the compromise. when you have this one size fits all labor negotiations you very often don't allow workers to have that flexibility. one thing that becomes clear is workers are all -- we all have different needs and family structures and unjobs are in a way very an fix indicated -- antiquated. they don't aloe that flexibility
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that we need. >> just a point of comparison, focusing only on factory jobs. didn't get into the private sector where it's even more disproportionately nonunion over union. we focused just on those factory jobs. to you new york city, day two of a nasty school bus strike left students, including handicap students. the union says it's fighting for job surety, but cording to the fox reporter, parents are trying to get their kids to school. >> all these kids stranded, and when you break down the numbers, did you know that new york pays $7,000 a stunt per year to get kids to school. and new york is ones of those places so densely populated, kids are traveling a shorter distance. you compare that to l.a., they spend $3,200 in miami, a
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thousand dollar. >> why so high in new york? >> a lot of people say union wages. >> the prices they're paying bus drivers this price they're paying the company. they asked to bid out the contract. s they were only able to do it for the prek students and they found they were going to save $95 million by bidding out the school it's an opportunity to save money and cut costs, but bus drivers don't like it so they've gone on strike, stranding lots and lots of parents. i have two sons who go to school in new york city. they go to catholic school. the budget is too tight to have a bus there it doesn't cost me $7,000 a year per kid to get my son to school. you can take a cab for less. >> this is what is remarkable here. comes on the heels of union worker stoppages. a port in california that affected a lot of parents who were desperately hoping to find toys for the holidays.
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there's a point at which it becomes a disruption and when it hits main street and average folks, they lose whatever good p.r. could come of what might be a legitimate beef. >> absolutely. everyone in new york we have seen the stories of the parents working that had to be late for work, had to miss work because they were trying to figure out how to get their kids to school. don't have the option to keep them home. have to offend a way to get them there. they're spending their own money and time to get this done and it's all in a dispute over wages. they complain the average bus driver makes $35,000 a year. the wage is $14 an hour to start but $29 overtime, and i would say, number one, depressant think it's a fulltime job. if you drive a bus you probably do something else as well, and number two no one is forcing you to be a bus driver. if you don't like the wage, you don't have to do it. but $7,000 a student. compared to other cities and consider the distance is shorter, something has to be
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done. >> i knew this was an expensive city but come on. the dow today came close to a five-year record high. a lot is propelling this. obviously relief on the housing front, better news on that. less distressing news on earnings. what's driving this? >> you have to think it's this idea that bernanke stays in play. we're going to have a lot of free money for a long time, and when you talk to people who are trading stocks, that's the overall driving force, where else are you going to put your money? >> the ben bernanke keeps the interest rates low. >> trying to push people into stocks. don't know how much sense that makes. i don't know if the economy isn't growing that quickly, and it doesn't look like it's going to for pared of time. how can you bet behind companies and say their earnings are going to glow when -- grow when people are out of work and not out there buying stuff.
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>> a little more than 15 minutes from the slide show. >> we're going to be exploring this, explore something exciting sports stories as well. i'm sure you're covering the tiger woods trying to get back together with his ex-wife. they have a very potentially fancy pre-nup where she is getting hundreds of millions of dollars if he cheats again. we're going to explore this. it's about money. you get the connection. you didn't lead with that story? tiger woods and his ex-wife -- >> i want be able to do -- >> it's going to be good. >> melissa frances, have to catch her show. the gets everyone talking and offends many people. very rude interviewer, but it's effective. >> my calling. >> they do come once, they just don't come back. melissa frances, catch her on fox business. any of you remember this? >> ladies and gentlemen, the president of the united states of america, barack obama. [applause]
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>> $64 trillion and counting. the nation's debt ceiling. to cut to red, my next guest advocates more green when it comes to health care. the called the health reduction. she said there would be a method. explain. >> well, actually, the public option would decrease the deficit by about $104 billion over ten years. >> how too you know that? >> that's the congressional budget office estimate. of what it would do. this is not numbers i made up. because it would inn fact lower
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the -- provide an option -- this would be completely by choice -- for people who don't want to pick this public option, among the private sector choices within a health exchange, and rates for premiums are estimated to be about 5 to 7% lower, meaning those people in the exchange that needed a subsidy would take fewer tax dollars and it is also estimated that it would serve as an anchor, because there's competition, to bring down the cost of health care, even in the private sector as well. >> when is the government -- when is the government ever done that? with george bush's plan, you were critical and had a right to be for prescription drug benefit. the argument ises that it would drive down the cost of those drugs. if anything they have soared since that benefit came in because the government cannot act as a source of even buying in bulk for cutting prices.
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>> that's exactly right. and in fact i'm also supportive of legislation that would allow medicare, just leak the veterans administration to negotiate with the manufacturers, the drug companies, for lower drug prices. and i guess the point is that there are -- >> it doesn't work. didn't work in the case of drug prescriptions. if you were to expand this to care, what -- >> no, no. >> what is the chance you would get more bang for the buck? >> here's the difference. if medicare were allowed to negotiate with the pharmaceutical companies it would work, and again, that estimate is about over ten years, about $200 billion in lower prices that the federal government and consumers would have to pay for prescription drugs. so -- >> the u.s.a., the government in a room withthe drug prescription companies 0, whom you're not a great fab and have good reason not to be -- they would come out better in the deal?
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>> the veterans administration does and it comes out better in the deal. >> these are the same private insurers? if you look at it -- who have already, on average, lifted their premiums, 50 75% since the healthcare law went into effect, when they were supposed to cover all of these things they hadn't had to cover before, and their premium increases, which few democrats saw coming,-under now etch -- are now etched in stone. >> that's because states like mine and california don't have any authority to actually do anything but review these rate increases. states that have reviewed those rate increases have actually forced those rates down, and because -- >> they don't. they don't. you might be right, might have the power and authority in private but let's say something like unite health care tries to push in a 20% increase and they get an 18% increase. still a big increase. i guess what i'm getting at, with the best of your intentions here, seems we're doing
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everything but addressing underlying spending when we say things like, spending isn't the problem. healthcare penning is. maybe that would do the trick. when we come up with the idea -- not you -- but the trillion dollar coin or 14th amendment to give the president the power to avoid that mess and just hike the ceiling himself. we go through these elaborate hoops to do everything but address the spending itself. >> well, actually, that's not really true. if we change the structure of the programs, which certainly many republicans are always in favor of, making government more efficient and changing the way we do business -- then we know that we can actually lower the cost of those programs, and be successful. >> you would hang your hat on that and not try to rein in either the entitlements themselves or slowly over decades increase the retirement
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age or those who might be too wealthy to get free met case, maybe not to pay as much or more. you would be against things like that? >> let me just say that the president has already sign into law about $2.4 trillion worth of deficit reduction and three-quarters of that -- >> wars we stopped fighting, already factored in. >> a bunch of that is for spending cuts. not necessarily spending cults i really -- cuts i like but spending cuts nonetheless. >> you disagree with him when he says we don't have a spending problem? >> no. i think we do have certain things we can cut in spending, but in fact right now, i think the crisis we have right now is a jobs crisis. i think it's an income inequality crisis in our country. i think there's an investment crisis. we don't talk enough, neil,
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about the third leg of debt reduction, which is not only spending, not only raising revenue, but growth in the economy. and you know? this debt ceiling issue is just crazy. i stand -- >> was it crazy seven years ago when your democratic colleague voted against raising it? was it crazy then? >> well, except it wasn't real and this is real. the last final -- >> real is in the eye of the beholder. >> no, no. >> i guess it's -- >> it was more -- you know that those past votes were more symbolic, but when we really had a crisis over the debt ceiling in 2011, there were real consequences. real lasting consequences, and we didn't even -- we did raise the debt ceiling in the end, but we saw the deficit grow, neil, when there was this threat to -- and so as i said, the coke
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brothers, the u.s. chamber of commerce, against the debt crisis. >> i always appreciate your coming on. you give as well as you take and i appreciate that. congresswoman jan. >> a warning about the healthcare law. unite health care says its costs are running up. all rise. the judge says your premiums are about to do the exact same thing. so, i guess we shouldn't be surprised. premiums will likely go up. >> of course premiums are going up because the government's handis on the scale of what was left of the free market in health care. when >> shakihestitution. >> when it became law, and when
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this portion kicks in, the health insurers have to spend between 80 and 85% of collected premium revenues directly on healthcare. can't use it for any purpose. can't use it for investment. they have to have investment, and can't use it for management. i has to go into healthcare. this represents a political number. where did 80-85% come from? this is not based on experience of healthcare providers, this is what congregated to politically, ask also represents government interfering with the free market. if you knew your costs were going to go up and your prices were going to be capped but they weren't capped yet, nature would raise those prices. so you had a well from which to draw. and this underscores miss schakokkkys misunderstanding thankful price rise is caused by
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the government's soon to be lawful caps. >> get in while the getting is good. >> so nobody should be surprised when we all pay higher premiums. >> george, thank you very much. we have some startling news out of algeria. it's getting worse. [ ryon ] eating shrimp at red lobster
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is a fantastic experience. 30 shrimp for $11.99. i can't imagine anything better. you're getting a ton of shrimp, and it tastes really good! [ male announcer ] hurry in to red lobster's 30 shrimp for just $11.99! choose any two of five savory shrimp selections, like mango jalapeño shrimp and parmesan crunch shrimp. two delicious shrimp selections on one plate! all with salad and unlimited cheddar bay biscuits. 30 shrimp, just $11.99 for a limited time. wow, that's a lot of shrimp. i'm ryon stewart, i'm the ultimate shrimp lover, and i sea food differely.
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well, look at this. oil surging more than a buck today. all because of events up foaling in algeria. the white house wasting little time carting out the t word, many in the west speechless. the fate of dozens of american friends, french, british, irish, hostages up known, reports that several of the hostages and captors died. algerian forces -- rebel
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islamists reportedly led by this guy with ties to al qaeda, how could they pull this off? >> here the latest. >> we understand that the seeds at the complex, the bp complex, may be over right now. that's what algerian government sources are saying. they, of course, launched an unexpected raid on -- into the facility at 7:00 a.m. eastern this morning. that was hours ago. been 12 hours ago. we can confirm that two americans are onboard a flight right now, on route, out of algeria, heading towards london. they did manage to escape. there are still as many as seven americans who are still missing. we do know that the white house today confirms that some americans are still not accounted for, and it's not clear what their status is in
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the wake of the botched algerian attempt to rescue these dozens of hostages. this is the largest hostage-taking in recent memory. it's a very significant event. it's almost immediate spillover from events we have seen of late in mali, the french getting involved there, trying to push back al qaeda-linked rebels who have pushed into the north. the hostage-takers say the reason they took these hostages at this bp oil facility, which is also a joint facility with the norwegian state oil, stat oil, is they wanted to punish algeria for giving the french permission to fly into mali. so a very confusing situation that developed today, but we can report that some of those hostages did escape and are on route to london now. >> thank you very much. jennifer griffin at the pentagon. who exactly are these hostage takers and what is their engame and how did they get so strong
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so fast? lease, answer -- lisa, answer any of the above. >> it's a very dangerous situation that is changing by the moment. this morning we thought that this was in retaliation for the algerians allowing the french to use their air space, an offensive that began on friday. within the last your, fox learn this was a premeditated offensive that was launched by this group an offshoot of al qaeda, they're al qaeda-linked. we believe it's being led by by an algerian native, a one-i'd veteran. he was involved in the afghanistan civil wars. he is violent. he is brutal. he has access to this al qaeda group, which is from the -- operates in africa. they have a lot of money and a lot of weapons. so this is a very dangerous situation, and all the
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information we get -- it's hard to validate and is also changing by the moment. again, we believe this was in retaliation but now we know this is part of a much broader offensive attack, and that there's more to come. >> lisa, is this group tied to the group in mali that really gave an incredible fight to the french? to the point where they retrench after the french attack that failed to release any of the french citizens who were being held hostage. that to me is startling because it showed much greater organization and strength that we thought of before. what's going on? >> absolutely. there's a very strong tie here. although the details are very clouded, there are things we have known all throughout and that's these two groups are tied. they're working together. the french went in, in order to
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prevent these islamic rebels from coming downward, south, into mali. we know this group is working hand in hand, and americans -- we just woke up to the story in mali, and unfortunately yesterday was the hostage takeover in algeria. this has been brewing in the region. north africaian al qaeda elements have been growing for quite a while. we learned the mali rebels took over from a crew that overthrew the government in march of 2012. and they have been growing and spreading in the region. we know this is the largest launch pad of sorts, not only in africa but throughout the world and is only growing. >> sounds like they packedded up from where we thought they were, like in afghanistan and pakistan, and taken their act on the road. >> right. >> certain areas of the world it's a lot tougher to get to. >> not only have they packed up their act. these elements existed -- only these larger leaders and
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stronger leaders have ensured that these stockpiles of weapons and the money they collected actually from ransom money from other kidnapping and these funds there are and the weapons are there, and they sent theirs best leaders to these parts of the world so they only have better access to launch attacks on the west. >> scary stuff. thank you for filling it out for a dummy like me. it is amazing when you connect the dots. >> once this dreamliner nightmare is over. will it be on fliers' minds, and now a gig of her on tv. fox on top of an athletes girlfriend cashing in, and another athletes career spinning out. she's everything to you. but your erectile dysfunction - that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right.
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seen by millions, she could very soon by making them. the ex-miss alabama, katherine webb, made famous for sitting in the stands, agreeing to be a super bowl reporter for "inside edition." meanwhile are this man's world is unraveling over an admission. an interview in which lance armstrong tells oprah winfrey he is a cheat. he is stripped of his olympic medal. next, angline what happens now?
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>> his legal team advised him, go on to oprah, give a faith, soft confession; i don't think you'll see him admit to specific guilt, but i think, as reports have indicated, that he is in talks with the federal government, and this confession, coupled with the five million offer he made, is something to -- >> what five million dollar offer to whom? >> to the federal government. >> have a look at that and say, you have to -- >> but coupled with a confession it has more value and that's something we have to think. >> what are you thinking? >> i don think his inspirational yellow bracelets may turn into silver handcuffs. i don't think he is running to jail. but the litany of people that have standing to file suit against him -- we've seen the huge whistle blower case. the u.s. postal service has been
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defrauded of 60 million, taxpayer money. >> defrauded in what sense? >> sponsored the team. sponsored lance's team for four or five years, sponsoring him with a contract that says there's an antidoping clause. we can't give you money and sponsor you -- >> if they wanted their money back, a lot of the sponsors. >> a lot of people -- >> what's in it for him to fess up, even partial limit i heard what you heard. what he says is tentative. what's in it for him to do this now? >> i think what we have to focus on is also that the u.s. postal service, threaped reward from using his names, his reputation, and there's an argument that can be made what they reaped from using lance armstrong exceeded $30 million, or the treble damages -- >> by the way, lance armstrong is the least of the post office's problems. >> major financial problems, yes, sir. >> i do wonder how other sponsors and other people are going to come out and say, you
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lied, and you did me harm. what will be the definition of harm done where you, for example, you take up a client's case. >> you're tarnished. you supported lance armstrong and believed in him, and in your contract it said there was an antidoping clause or a moral clause. we want to attach our brand with good, upstanding citizens, not drug addicts and that's what their argument is going to be. >> they're going to argue interior back, a lot of them would want to dissort themselves. >> a lot of people invested in him. there's been settlements to prove he didn't dope, to protect him. there was a libel suit -- >> people raised money -- >> of course. it's ridiculous. >> he is supposedly worth $100 million. i also know he took out a home equity loan on one 0 of his homes for a million dollars. so he is obviously preparing for michigan.
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how much do you think he is going to be paying. >> i think these lawsuits will be settled out of court. >> wouldn't it have to be class action? >> i think the u.s. public, everyone, they understand he did wrong. he lied, and he has been stripped of his titles. that is enough. that is sufficient. people have moved on. >> he wants back in so he can do triathlons and everything? >> wants the lifetime ban to be lifted. and maybe the public perception won't be so harsh. but you have come out -- we talk about this before. he had come out and said, i unequivocally have not ever used illegal drugs. >> i believed him. i thought he was truer than true. >> extremely convincing. now he is coming on, and saying on oprah's show, maybe in a round-about way i wasn't so honest. what's the reason? what's the basis? >> to what end? it's been a number of years so
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he can't perjure himself anymore, right? >> there's statute of limitations but if you have a conspiracy you may be able to stall it. there's a legal definition called tolling, equitable tolling, so if the government does re-open their case and charge trafficking, conspiracy, defraughting the government, these are big issues. >> you're making a leap from lying to trafficking but there is a link -- >> that was the investigation for two years. >> you think this is going somewhere? >> what is telling is this friday there will be government -- the courts are expected to unseal the lawsuit, and the fact that he is giving this confession to oprah this week, and he just didn't wake up this morning and was inspired, my, let me come clean. this is all part of a legal strategy. his attorneys advised him and told him what course he needs to take. we may see an admission but is the admission specific? i did doping. did die doping for each and every race? that's going to be a question. is that what we're going to --
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>> he's going to argue, i've done a lot of good, too. >> exactly. >> how much has he raised for cancer charities and we don't want to take that away from him. >> i think you do. going for blood. >> i'm angry. he is supposed to be a role model. >> you're absolutely right. i believed him. >> he is human and that's what we have to realize at the end of the day. >> a lot of people are human who don't lie year after year. >> keep your mouth shut. how much money on legal fee? millions and millions. if has 100, 150 -- >> still has an inspiring story and many people will not forget that. >> you both sound like lawyers, you are! in the meantime, even if they fix the problems, will fliers forget their problems? i don't think so.
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my ex-girlfriend... 7th grade math teacher. who is this? that's pete. my... [ dennis' voice ] allstate agent. a "starving artist" has an allstate agent? he got me... [ dennis' voice ] the allstate value plan. it's their most affordable car insurance and you still get an agent. [ normal voice ] i call it... [ dennis' voice ] the protector. is that what you call it? the protector! okay. ♪ the allstate value plan. are you in good hands? we're telling you earlier in the broadcast about the market chasing these five-year highs. a lot of people want to know, is that just the economic numbers in housing looking better?
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a lot of these earnings reports are looking better, or at least better than thought, and that's probably more important. in the case of intel, the world's largest chipmaker, falling but not as much as some feared, and the dropoff in pc sales, while substantial, was not as big as some had feared. revenue and earnings roughly -- i mean roughly -- in line and intel is still a money-making machine, as is american express. remember it effectively all but shut down its travel division, and laid off a lot of folks there. it is a financial juggernaut, and in the latest period, though its income fell 47% and was racking up hefty charges in the credit card union, those were numbers better than thought and still made in this better better than $630 million. so these are slightly better than expected numbers. that's the name of the game on
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wall street. don't have to be great but if you're not as awful as wall street out there you would be, they'll treat you great. in the meantime, the grounding going global first japan, then america, now europe, all taking the dreamliners out of the skies until the jet's nightmares are solved. dan springer has been on top of this. what's the latest? >> you talk about turbulence. the grounding is a major blow to boeing and the airlines that have sunk billions of dollars into this plane of the future. let's face it, this is boeing's showcase plane. airlines are scrambling to bring in jets to replace the 787. that has led to flight delays and cancellations. many passengers stranded, their plans in limbo, but for the most part saying better safe than sorry. >> i rather flight tomorrow or fly tight by different airplane
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line that continue the risk anything happen. >> the faa's directive followed the emergency landing 0 of 00787 plane in japan. a lithium ion battery overheated and hot chemicals sprayed out of it. eight days earlier, a battery in a different part of the plane overheated, cracked open and caught fire. so the faa has told boeing they have to prove the battery is safe before the dreamliners could fly again. it could take days, weeks, perhaps moss. the battery manufacturer said is too take months to figure out the problem. we know the electrical system is advanced and with the composite body, the key it to being more fuel efficient than any other plane. boeing issued a statement saying we're confident the 787 is safe and we stand behind its overall integrity grit. we'll take every step in the coming days to make sure our customers and the traveling
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public of the 787s safety and return the airplane to service. in just over a year, dreamliners have thrown a million passengers without any injuries or crashes. the last time the faa grounded plane was in 1979 after a dc-10 crashed, killing everyone onboard. >> that was then. hope that isn't now. dan springer, thank you. >> even if the faa clears the dreamilyliner for take you've, will the nervous passengers every be able to get on the plane? we were talking during the break about, let's say you're nervous about this. i'm flying out tomorrow, but i don't want to fly on one of these things because i'm just antsy. do you have any options? >> nor going to get on one of them because they're grounded endisnetly. the question is, when they come back -- not matter of if, when way come back on line. >> 350 have been ordered. >> oh, yeah. a huge list of orders.
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>> no one has cancelled. >> no. no. no. and they're going to -- this is new technology. a composite plane, incredibly fuel efficient which is what everybody has been talking about. i think you always have issues with new technology. it's interesting they actually went out and pro-actively grounded japan airlines. that's really a first. and now the faa stepping in, those planes aren't going to fly. when they do start flying you have the choice of what equipment you whatnot to book, and if you have a profile with a local travel agent you work with, because they book 60% of the international airline tickets -- you can instruct them to book away from that air craft. >> what happens -- you're at the airport, the plane you have is having mechanical problems, they roll one the from somewhere, you're on this 787 but you don't want to be but you don't want to be at the airport overnight. >> so you either suck it up and go. i'd just go.
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i'm going. i'm comfortable. i think the plane has been flying for six or seven years in terms of testing. now rolled out a year ago and already flown a million passengers, crazy number of peaks. so, yeah, this is an issue. >> didn't like this to the degree -- i know a lot of it has to do with the fact that so many will be rolled out so soon; right. >> seems like a lot of weird stuff. >> it's disconcerting but seemss to be isolated to the batteries, and that's it. so, there's nothing else they seem -- there's always -- >> that would bother me. >> my biggest concern would be the batteries. lithium ion batteries have had issues with computers and everything else. they have to address that. it in battery issue, and then once they get that addressed they can move on and people can feel comfortable flying. if youer not comfortable, book 5747, a 777, air bus, you name it. >> mark murphy, look forward to
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reading your book. >> americans picked to reflect the president's first time. byron york is giving all of them a second look. excuse me, sir i'm gonna have to ask you to power down your little word game. i think your friends will understand. oh no, it's actually my geico app...see? ...i just uh paid my bill. did you really? from the plane? yeah, i can manage my policy, get roadside assistance, pretty much access geico 24/7.
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sounds a little too good to be true sir. i'll believe that when pigs fly. ok, did she seriously just say that? geico. just click away with our free mobile app.
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♪ ♪ >> neil: ahead of the president's big inaugural weekend, eight americans pick as the cochair of the event. retired nurse, healthcare law advocate, worker rehired after the auto bail-out and the one business owner on the list is pushing a wind energy production tax credit. leave it to byron york. see if we see a pattern here. this is a different group, but not a group you show case in
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inauguration. >> this is a gimmick. this is the thing that politicians of both parties do. the president bringing in people to attend the "state of the union" address. in this case, president obama wants to people serve as human symbols of the policies as you mentioned. a woman who got treatment for a disease she couldn't have gotten without obamacare and woman who lost her job at g.m. and got it back. woman whose child goes to college due to pem grant. the problem with gimmicks they inspire counter gimmicks. i wouldn't be surprised if the republicans wanted to feature taxpayer that lost money in solyndra, or person whose insurance premiums went up because of obamacare or member of the millions of the people unemployed. the unemployment rate is 7.8% this january. precisely the same number it was four years ago when president obama was inaugurated the first time.
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>> neil: what if the co-chairs or whatever they call them, what do they do at the inauguration and how are they showcased or featured, or whatever? >> guest: well, the president's staff will put them in a prom mant place an tell the stories. they want to get the stories out to the local press, where they're from. this is part of the bigger tasks of highlighting the president's accomplishments in the first term. after all, a lot of what the president is going to be doing in the second term, especially when it comes to obamacare is protecting the accomplishment of the first term. in this case, implementing it. it will be used to atact local press and specialized press who cover things like the bail-outs and obamacare to try to draw attention to what the president has done in the last four years. >> neil: other presidents when they have the opportunity, how would they pick folks out of the nation to showcase whatever they're doing? >> guest: they do the same thing. obviously, george w. bush would focus people involved in
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the war on terror. and people who had more money in their pockets as a result of the tax cut. >> neil: in other words, they all do this to varying degrees. >> they do. with obama, though, you will get, because the question are you better off than you were four years ago was a prominent one in the campaign, obama ended up winning but the republicans still believe there are indices, most important unemployment where the answer is no. >> neil: always a pleasure. >> thank you. >> neil: ahead of the coverage of swearing in, boy are stars looking it up. >> a terrific story. >> that guy goes for it. >> made you crack up a joker. >> so much fun. never takes himself too seriously. >> just meeting him, intimidating. >> i'm so, you know, cool and generous. it's not just flexing his muscles. and saying a one-liner. >> neil: that is just, hey, can't tell you the number of
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people. they weren't talking about you. yes, they were. you can see for yourself why on monday. 11:00 a.m. fox business network. we'll be there for the inauguration. back at 4:00 on fox news channel and 8:00 p.m. on fox business. you have can't get enough of me. admit it! [ male announcer ] at scottrade,
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